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CALL FOR PAPERS [ Newsletter APS nº 803 ]

[ Informação FLUP | Comunicação ISUP ]

XIII Congresso Português de Sociologia | Nova data de submissão: 28 out

Os resumos poderão ser submetidos em português, castelhano, inglês ou francês.
As sessões online realizar-se-ão no dia 8 de julho e os restantes dias serão dedicados às sessões presenciais. As sessões plenárias e semiplenárias serão presenciais, com transmissão online.

As taxas de inscrição estão disponíveis em https://xiii-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net/pt/2025/inicio/inscri%C3%A7%C3%A3o/
O ficheiro pdf de divulgação está disponível em https://drive.google.com/file/d/177etWcokEBkvh7wY05ojVBmvG6_3jPUr/view?usp=sharing

Não perca a oportunidade de participar numa vibrante partilha de conhecimentos e contactos entre colegas de vários locais e instituições e disfrutar de um dos melhores destinos turísticos do mundo. “Os Açores são um lugar vivo e autêntico, onde não há dois dias iguais definitivamente um lugar que vale a pena descobrir durante todo o ano.”

Mais informações em https://xiii-congresso-aps.eventqualia.net/ / Call: https://drive.google.com/file/d/15EjOJcC5D0Kjpji-PncrE__etaAlAH9l/view?usp=sharing


[ Informação Olga Magano, UAb ]

Genealogy | Special Issue Information

The journal Genealogy is accepting submissions for a Special Issue on the theme of “Territories, mobilities, social change and transformations in the lives of families and individuals”. Given the major global, social, and economic transformations we are witnessing, which have an impact on local and international population mobility (Giddens, 1990), this Special Issue aims to bring together reflections on the major contemporary issues of migratory and refugee movements; on social, cultural, economic, climatic, migratory, and identity changes and their impact on lifestyles; family and individual organisation; as well as on different life scenarios and experiences (Goffman, 1974).

The goal of this Special Issue is to know and understanding, among other aspects, 1) how families and individuals reorganise and integrate into new social spaces and contexts, 2) ageing and intergenerational relations in migratory contexts and cultural and ethnic diversity, 3) how they manage cultural differences and appropriate new cultural values and traits, 4) learning about the processes of social miscegenation and social reconstruction, 5) several expressions of multiple and composite identities (ethnics, cultural, artistic expression, ways of life, etc.), 6) biographies and life narratives that illustrate memories and cultural heritage, 7) paths of spatial and social mobility, 8) family, generational, ethnic, and territorial ties in context of mobilities and cultural heritage anchorage.

+info: https://www.mdpi.com/journal/genealogy/special_issues/0W3V0X19K3#info


[ Informação FDUP ]

CALL FOR PAPERS | International Conference | Pathways to Juvenile Delinquency – new submission dates

Date: December 03-04, 2024
Venue: School of Criminology – Faculty of Law, University of Porto, Portugal

Within the scope of the SUCCEED – “How is the behavior of others able to shape our own? Community violence and children’s misconduct” and PROTECT-C – “Understanding Protective Factors Against Antisocial Behavior in Socioeconomically Vulnerable Children and Youth: A National Cross-Sectional Study” projects, funded by the Social Observatory – “La Caixa” Foundation, the School of Criminology, Faculty of Law, University of Porto, and CIJ – Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Justice are organizing the international conference “Pathways to Juvenile Delinquency”. This conference seeks to present the results of these projects and foster broader discussions on juvenile delinquency, examining its causes, consequences, and the most effective measures to address it.

Besides the parallel sessions resulting from the call for papers, the program includes two plenary sessions with the following key-note speakers:

Manuel Eisner – University of Cambridge, UK
Izabella Zych – University of Córdoba, Spain
Esther Fernández-Molina – University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain
Hugo Gomes – University of Porto
Gilda Santos – University of Porto
Margarida Santos – University of Porto

Thus, we welcome abstracts on a wide range of topics related to juvenile delinquency, including but not limited to:

• Theoretical frameworks and models of juvenile delinquency
• Risk and protective factors for juvenile behavior
• Early intervention and prevention strategies
• Legal and policy approaches to juvenile justice
• Cross-cultural and international perspectives on juvenile delinquency
• Evaluation of juvenile justice programs and practices

Abstract rules:
– Abstracts should be submitted using the form available at the following link: https://forms.gle/wFVUt17AjZ9eyGev8
– All abstracts must include a title, abstract (≤ 250 words), authors, affiliations, and 3-5 keywords.

Important Deadlines:
Call for abstracts: October, 22
Notification Abstract Acceptance: October 28

Registration: October 31 (mandatory registration, but no fees required!!!), using the following link: https://forms.gle/vkqUvUopAaHpJWbQ9
Final Program: November 15, 2024

General information
We are delighted to welcome you to the conference, even if you are not presenting.
For further information, please contact us at: escolacr@direito.up.pt / +351 222041600

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